Make hope visible

Eternal Wall of

Answered Prayer

Opening at Coleshill, Birmingham UK

Every single one of the million bricks in Eternal Wall will represent a story of Jesus answering someone’s prayer. Visible from nearly six miles away and seen by over 500,000 journeys a week, Eternal Wall will be the largest symbol of hope in the world.

Incredible stories

This project, simply put, is impossible. But from the day we started we have repeatedly seen the favour of God.

Be part of it

Help us build eternal wall

Help us
build Eternal Wall

Share your answered prayers

Share your answered

Be part of something bigger

Be part of something

Join us on a land visit

Imagine standing on the ground where faith, hope and answered prayers will unite to create a piece of history.

We regularly run visits to the plot of land where the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will be built. We’d love for you to join us on one of our upcoming land visits! Find out more information and available dates that might work for you. We’re so excited to share this journey with you.

stephen tims mp quote

I think it’s an inspiring idea and it’s a fantastic design...

Stephen Timms MP

MP for East Ham

John Kirkby quote

I am delighted and excited to see the launch of this monument of hope

Dr John Kirkby, CBE

Christians Against Poverty


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Latest news

When we prayed: Miracles of World War II

When we prayed: Miracles of World War II

Listen to our new Podcast, produced in partnership with Premier Christian Radio, looking at the history of WWII through the lens of Answered prayer. Episode 1 is out now on Spotify and Apple...

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The sign is up!

The sign is up!

We are delighted to share that the Eternal Wall sign has been put up next to the land. A big thank you to Warwick Signs for helping us with this!

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We’ve Moved Offices!

We’ve Moved Offices!

“Either this is the land, or the people that own it are highly significant” This is a message that we received from an intercessor on March 8th 2017 after they had this word from God, alongside this...

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