“I feel that God gave extra time to my husband…”
For several months, many people around the world had been praying for my husband’s healing. But in May 2005 he lay dying of mesothelioma, a fatal disease with no cure, caused by inhaling asbestos. I was lying beside him on the bed, singing his favourite worship songs as his breathing slowed. I had to leave the room for a couple of minutes and as I came back he suddenly sat up, unaided, and said ‘I’m back and I’m healed and heaven is pleased with your praises.’ He could not put into words what he had heard and seen but the change in his health was immediately evident. He walked downstairs (and later upstairs) without needing the stair lift, something he had not been able to do for several weeks. We were so grateful to the Lord.
However, by the next morning many of his symptoms had returned. He was alive but still suffering. He lived for another two months and in the extra time he was given he was able to have significant conversations with family and friends. The most amazing one was with the son of a close friend. He had hit rock bottom in life and was a homeless drug addict. My husband spoke to him on two occasions and shared how he had turned to Jesus and found peace and forgiveness. He persuaded the young man to go to Betel in Birmingham, a Christian ministry which helps people come off drugs and alcohol. Two weeks later he was on his knees repenting and was set free from the power of drugs. Today he is a leader in Betel and God is blessing his ministry to the broken.
I feel that God, in answer to prayer, gave extra time to my husband in order to witness to this young man and to others at the hospice where he spent the last ten days of his life.