The sign is up!

The sign is up!

We are delighted to share that the Eternal Wall sign has been put up next to the land. A big thank you to Warwick Signs for helping us with this!
We’ve Moved Offices!

We’ve Moved Offices!

“Either this is the land, or the people that own it are highly significant” This is a message that we received from an intercessor on March 8th 2017 after they had this word from God, alongside this picture. Fast forward, almost 7 years later, and today we want to...
The Journey so Far

The Journey so Far

We can hardly believe that it’s almost 20 years since our founder, Richard Gamble, received the vision and started to pray about Eternal Wall. It’s also been over 3 years since planning permission was approved. We overheard an amusing comment this year that...
How do you find a yellow needle in a haystack?

How do you find a yellow needle in a haystack?

We’re blown away by the number of times on this journey that God has brought forward someone with exactly the right skills just at the right time. This month we share the story of Josh, a Construction Project Manager who arrived in the nick of time as an answer...
In His Timing

In His Timing

‘In His Timing’ is a phrase we hear so often. We trust God’s infinite wisdom, but the waiting can often be unsettling. At Eternal Wall we’ve experienced many wonderful answers to prayer that have landed right in the nick of time. We have learned that this...