Answered Prayers

From Derby South to Mansfield

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Segment 37

Derbyshire, share your answered prayers!

The Eternal Wall team is collecting answered prayers from all over the UK. We want every city, town and hamlet to be represented. To achieve this we have divided the UK into 70 regions, each with a correlating segment. 

Below you will find which areas are covered from Derby South to Mansfield in segment 37. When Eternal Wall opens in 2027 we are hoping to have a total of 1,779 answered prayers from your area!

Segment 37

Total – 1,779

Derby South


Derby North


Mid Derbyshire


Amber Valley


Derbyshire Dales


North East Derbyshire








A glimpse of Christian History in Derbyshire!

Here is a little extract of what God has done in Ilkeston – Salvation Army (1880)

‘It would perhaps be impossible to find sinners more violent and terrible than some, borne on hell’s downward stream, in the town of Ilkeston. Where some five weeks since our sister here (Captain Heatley) first entered alone, yet not alone, (for no true salvationist as alone), and commenced the work which has indeed been blessed to the souls of hundreds; making hearts glad, homes happy and life enjoyable.’

From, ‘The War Cry’, June 1880. To read more on this, click here.

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