Answered Prayers

From Bermondsey and Old Southwark to Chelsea and Fulham

Home > Get involved > Regions > From Bermondsey and Old Southwark to Chelsea and Fulham
Segment 19

London, share your answered prayers!

The Eternal Wall team is collecting answered prayers from all over the UK. We want every city, town and hamlet to be represented. To achieve this we have divided the UK into 70 regions, each with a correlating segment. 

Below you will find which areas are covered from Bermondsey and Old Southwark to Chelsea and Fulham in segment 19. When Eternal Wall opens in 2027 we are hoping to have a total of 1,743 answered prayers from your area!

Segment 19

Total – 1,743

Bermondsey and Old Southwark








Cities Of London and Westminster




Chelsea and Fulham


A glimpse of Christian History in the Kennington!

Here is a little extract of what God has done in Kennington, London (1862)

“I have hitherto been prevented from sending you a few lines abut our tent meetings. For about six weeks we had services seven times a week. On Sundays the meetings were very large; on the weeknights they varied very much in point of numbers, but never in point of power. Night after night the Lord was manifestly present, either to wound or to bind up. Not a few have testified to the power of God and to salvation; some cases where the Lord had been working in the hearts for months. They came and heard the word preached in simplicity and power and then they received the word gladly. Others were cases of careless ones, convinced at one meeting and coming to the next to tell us that the Lord had saved them.”

‘The Revival’, 31/7/1862. To read more on this click here.

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