Answered Prayers

From Fermanagh and South Tyrone to Newry and Armagh

Home > Get involved > Regions > From Fermanagh and South Tyrone to Newry and Armagh
Segment 64

Northern Ireland, share your answered prayers!

The Eternal Wall team is collecting answered prayers from all over the UK. We want every city, town and hamlet represented. To achieve this, we have divided the UK into 70 regions, each with a correlating segment. 

Below you will find which areas are covered from Fermanagh and South Tyrone to Newry and Armagh in segment 64. When Eternal Wall opens in 2027, we are hoping to have a total of 1,888 answered prayers from your area!

Segment 64

Total – 1,888

Fermanagh and South Tyrone


West Tyrone




East Londonderry


Mid Ulster


East Antrim


North Antrim


South Antrim


Newry and Armagh


A glimpse of Christian History in Omagh!

Here is a little extract of what God has done in Trinity Presbyterian Church Omagh (1859).

“June 7, 1859.—There have been several large meetings here since last Lord’s day; and on the evening of that day, three very young men (converts from Derry) addressed the largest congregation I ever saw in the Old Meeting-house. They dwelt mainly on the necessity of fleeing from the wrath to come, the awfulness of eternal misery, the dreadful condition of the lost, &c. After the meeting, there were about twelve, under con­viction of Sin, and anxious about salvation. This created much sensation: the ministers and others remained conversing and praying with them till near 11 o’clock; they then sent them away and requested any that were anxious for salvation to meet them on Monday morning, at ten o’clock. Some few felt very deeply and wept aloud.”

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p11, Aug 6th 1859. To read more on this, click here.

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