Answered Prayers

From Surrey Heath to Epsom and Ewell

Home > Get involved > Regions > From Surrey Heath to Epsom and Ewell
Segment 12

Surrey, share your answered prayers!

The Eternal Wall team is collecting answered prayers from all over the UK. We want every city, town and hamlet to be represented. To achieve this we have divided the UK into 70 regions, each with a correlating segment. 

Below you will find which areas are covered from Surrey Heath to Epsom and Ewell in segment 12. When Eternal Wall opens in 2027 we are hoping to have a total of 1,921 answered prayers from your area!

Segment 12

Total – 1,921

Surrey Heath




Runnymede and Weybridge






Esher and Walton


Mole Valley


Epsom and Ewell





A glimpse of Christian History in Guildford!

Here is a little extract of what God has done in Guildford – Salvation Army (1882).

“Another glorious week has just passed and perhaps the best week that our soldiers ever witnessed in Guildford. At last, we are again able to go out into the open air and by that means the workers is reviving and sinners getting saved nearly every meeting. We had a great time on Sunday, 22 professing to find Salvation. After the evening service, we had a “Hallelujah wind-up,“ when 100 testified to the saving power of the Saviour. One brother saying that, before the Salvation Army came, he felt like a Farthing rushlight, just possessing a slight glimmer of religion; but, praise God he now feels something similar to a furnace, all ablaze with glory. Hallelujah! The band is gaining ground, now numbering 20 members. The first Little Soldiers’ Meeting was held on Saturday afternoon, over 60 being present and 36 came out and gave the heart of Jesus. Hallelujah!” From, ‘The War Cry,’ August 1882. To read more on this, click here.

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