Answered Prayers

From Liverpool Riverside to St Helens North

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Segment 55

Liverpool, share your answered prayers!

The Eternal Wall team is collecting answered prayers from all over the UK. We want every city, town and hamlet represented. To achieve this, we have divided the UK into 70 regions, each with a correlating segment. 

Below you will find which areas are covered from Liverpool Riverside to St Helens North in segment 55. When Eternal Wall opens in 2027, we are hoping to have a total of 1,799 answered prayers from your area!

Segment 55

Total – 1,799

Liverpool, Riverside


Liverpool, Walton


Liverpool, Wavertree


Liverpool, West Derby


Garston and Halewood






St Helens South and Whiston


St Helens North


A glimpse of Christian History in Liverpool!

Here is a little extract of what God has done in Liverpool (1762)

‘I rode to Liverpool, there was a work of God as had never been known there before. We had a surprising congregation in the evening, and, as it seemed, all athirst for God. This, I found, had begun here likewise in the latter end of March; and from that time, it had continually increased till a little before I came: Nine were justified in one hour. The next morning I spoke severally with those who believed they were sanctified. They were fifty-one in all: Twenty-one men, twenty-one widows or married women, and nine young women or children.

In one of these, the change was wrought, three weeks after she was justified; in three, seven days after it; in one, five days; and in Sus. Lutwich, aged fourteen, two days only.

I asked Hannah Blakeley, aged eleven,

“What do you want now?”

She said, with amazing energy, tears running down her cheeks,

“Nothing in this world, nothing but more of my Jesus.”

How often out of the mouth of babes and sucklings dost thou perfect praise!’

From ‘John Wesley’s Journal, 4th August 1762.’ To read more on this, click here.

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