In His Timing
1st September 2023
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In His Timing

‘In His Timing’ is a phrase we hear so often. We trust God’s infinite wisdom, but the waiting can often be unsettling. At Eternal Wall we’ve experienced many wonderful answers to prayer that have landed right in the nick of time. We have learned that this journey is also incredibly faith building!

This month we wanted to share one of these stories with you. Early in the project we were in dire need when the Holy Spirit led one of our faithful supporters to give. Little did he know how critical his support was on that Monday morning…

We’re so grateful to all our supporters who regularly give towards Eternal Wall, helping to make hope visible to future generations. Thanks to your contributions and faithful prayers we regularly see God move in amazing ways!

If you’re not currently a regular donor, we would like to ask you to prayerfully consider a monthly contribution.

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