The Journey so Far
28th November 2023
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the journey so far

We can hardly believe that it’s almost 20 years since our founder, Richard Gamble, received the vision and started to pray about Eternal Wall. It’s also been over 3 years since planning permission was approved. We overheard an amusing comment this year that it’s ‘taking an Eternity to build’. Sometimes it feels like that! We continue to work with determination and patience, trusting in God’s timing and His perfect plan.

Thank you for being with us on the journey so far, we’re making amazing progress. Watch our latest video to find out how far we’ve come.

Work has continued this year preparing for construction, developing the technology for the database and the huge task of gathering the 1 million stories of answered prayer.

If you haven’t done so already, please help us to Make Hope Visible by sharing your answered prayer today.


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