Visiting Eternal Wall

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Hi-tech exhibition space

With information about the Christian viewpoint on prayer, meeting national Religious Education curriculum guidelines.

Eternal Wall rear view
Eternal Wall of Prayer approach

Thematic exhibitions

The story of how we acquired the land is utterly incredible and displays God’s favour on this work.

Each visitor given TryPraying booklet

Every visitor is gifted a TryPraying booklet, serving as a gentle introduction to the profound journey of communication with God.

Eternal Wall of Prayer entrance
Eternal Wall of Prayer entrance 2

Future education centre

For private use for schools and colleges.

Steve Maxey

We are greatly excited by this project – I strongly believe it will come to be as loved by people locally and nationally as the Angel of the North, and brilliantly complements our work on improving mental health and wellbeing.

Steve Maxey

CEO, North Warwickshire Borough Council

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